Front > Targi agri/vet @en > 18th annual European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress in Tallinn, Estonia
18th annual European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress in Tallinn, Estonia

DRAMIŃSKI S.A. has been invited to Estonia!

We would like to help everyone to lern more about the ultrasonography of small animals, so decision was simple…

EVECC – Tallin, Estonia, 06-08.06.2019

The aim of the conference is to provide up-to-date information and practical knowledge about gastrointestinal diagnostics, disorders, surgery and clinical nutrition.

The meeting will be suitable for veterinarians and veterinary nurses interested in intensive care, emergencies, surgery, gastroenterology, internal medicine and clinical nutrition.

Of course, besides knowledge, there is still practice! DRAMIŃSKI’s equipment is wherever it is needed.


We provided equipment for veterinarians for the workshops. Moments of glory were experienced by 4Vet Slim and Draminski Blue…



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